I am a Generative AI Applications Engineer | Building Applications powered by AI
I enjoy creating things, that ease my, or the lives of others, creations that improve the World, even by a tiny bit. I like making things that have never been done before. I always strive to find out the truth
I excel at finding easy solutions for complex problems.
# 1
in class
> 40
ML Models developed
GitHub Repositories
225 kg
The easiest way possible
With my vast amount of Mechatronics prototyping skills
And understand the connections
create all kinds of apps and scripts with advanced programming principles and good enough style
Because asking the right questions is more important, than finding the right answer
Validated Learnings through a lean, iterative and creative process
Reutlingen University -- 70% Computer Science 30% Business
with a focus on innovative Technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning,
with Intra- and Entrepreneurship Skills
Valedictorian and Student Representative
Thesis: Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Robots
Leading my Team in the 3 most demanding courses (AI, Project,
Distributed Systems)
Reutlingen University -- Specialized in Automation, which was mostly Computer Science though.
Done in just two years instead of 3.5
Connect data from various sources like CMS and accounting software;
Lead the project for automating deploys.
Consolidating all software components into an OS-Image
improve performance by 50%
Streamline the development Process, by getting parties to agree on
common Solutions and remove legacy requirements.
With the help of Reinforcement Learning, an Agent is to be
trained to output the
Web Development (CMS) -- I have created more than 500 pages
Web Development with Python, Plotly, dash
develop Algorithms in Python for calculating point clouds and 2D room scans
Check out my GitHub for more info
I have built an electrical Desk with off-the-shelf Parts (Pictures on Instagram)
Designing a High Frequency bidirectional Isolation Circuit for microcontroller debugging communication
Prototyping, designing, programming, testing. Improving Panorama stitching with Machine Learning